Virtapay: GET 100$ for sign up!

VirtaPay is a growing virtual currency (NOT A REAL $$) BUT YOU'LL SOON BE ABLE TO CONVERT IT that makes buying and selling digital goods easier and available to everyone. VirtaPay operates a virtual currency and payment processing service for that currency. 

Its features:
For Buyers
Earn a daily rate just for testing and using our services.
Buy high-quality digital goods with your VirtaPay balance.
Earn real money (US$, €, £, ¥, ...) to your existing bank account for sharing VirtaPay.

For Sellers
Tools to help you market-test and refine your digital goods.
Quickly get feedback on which items buyers like.
Get instant traffic to your products from VirtaPay's users.
Earn real money (US$, €, £, ¥, ...) to your existing bank account in many ways by selling high-quality digital goods on VirtaPay.

What is virtual currency?
Virtual currency is currency that exists in electronic form. It is not physical, such as printed paper money or minted coins.
Just as humanity has moved away from currency backed by precious metals, we are also steadily moving to completely electronic currencies. Most national currencies today are "hybrid" currencies that exist in both physical and electronic form.
If current trends continue, it won't be too long until physical currencies are not used at all. Some people are already there. Today, many people go through life without using physical money at all. They move their money around electronically, with credit cards, debit cards and even make electronic payments to pay all of their bills and debts.

What will you get after join?
You start with $100 in your VirtaPay account and it's free.
Earn up to $20 per day in your account for participating as we continue to develop our service.
Get a $25 bonus for each new user you refer.
You'll be an EarlyBird user—your participation will help shape the development of this amazing new virtual currency system.
Coming soon: Earn money to your existing bank account by sharing VirtaPay or by selling high-quality digital goods using VirtaPay.

Here's my transaction proof:

It's free to join, so you have no risk. It shows a promising future as an online processor. It's still in an early bird launch, so you'll have many advantages and bonuses for joining now. So what are you waiting for? Join NOW, click the logo above for quick access to the website.

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